Visual Tracker Eteria

by Eteria



This software allows you to know where the employees and company vehicles are, where they are and what they are doing.It is installed on the smartphone like a normal App and interfaces directly with the Eteria Web Operations Center: just enable the GPS and the data connection to know smartphone position at any time and communicate with the user.For example, it is possible to equip drivers with an Android smartphone, install the App and have a phone and an Eteria service in a single solution!Available functions:- GPS tracking- messaging between driver and web operating center- mission management (single or with multiple destinations)- working status recording (customizable)- crew management- map view of destinations- sending activity information- pseudo-kiosk-mode can be activated- automatic billing workNote:- English (or other languages) app version is available on request- To follow mobile app from the web site you must ask for a free account to [email protected] this app also locates the phone in the background when it is started